Walking in a British Wonderland…
I have not blogged in awhile. I write that up to not having a lot of free time lately, but mostly it’s just due to my short attention span! My […]
I have not blogged in awhile. I write that up to not having a lot of free time lately, but mostly it’s just due to my short attention span! My […]
Someone recently posted to me that she thought I hated England… if so, why did I continue to go back? As I mentioned in my My First Experience in England […]
The year was 2003. I had been working at a Fortune 500 computer manufacturing company for two years, and in those two years, I had seen the most miserable management […]
Had a great Fourth of July spent with friends and surrogate family outside of Temple, TX. My hostess even went to the lengths of grilling up some salmon for me […]
May 1 Well, today’s the day! I’ve waited for it and planned it all year. I’m going to England! I got up today, showered and did a final pack, tossed […]
Well, at the risk of sounding anachronistic: All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go… I have been a whirlwind this past week. Packed and re-packed. Cleaned and re-cleaned. […]
My life compresses. Ten days. I look around my house and see how much there is to do. I think of the packing and the cleaning and the prepping. […]
In April 1981, I got married. I also moved to England in the same month to work on a military base (Menwith Hill Station) near Harrogate, North Yorkshire. I had […]
I just got an invitation from my friend, Dawn Sharples, to join her and some of my other Facebook UK Hiking friends on a real life “Last Wainwright.” I wish […]
Today is January 1, 2013. I often wondered if the planet would make it this far. It seems to keep limping along despite the policy makers and war mongers. So, […]